La Traducción. Friedrich Nietzsche. La Gaya Ciencia.

Por Ramón Morales Castel

«Nevermore you shall pray, nevermore you shall worship, nevermore you shall rest on the infinite trust; you forbid yourself to stop beneath an ultimate wisdom, an ultimate kindness, an ultimate power and unharness your thoughts; you have no guardian neather no permanent friend to your seven solitudes; you live with no sight on a mountain with snowy summit and live coals in its core; for you there is no avenger, no improver of last time; already there is no place of repose open to your heart where only fits a finding and you do not have to seek, you defend yourself against any final peace and you want the eternal return of war and peace;...»

Friedrich Nietzsche. The Gay Science. § 285.

«All that men who feel that need of tougher words and sounds, of more eloquents gestures and positions to, at all, produce an efect –revolutionary politicians, socialists, preechers of penitence, with or without christianism–, to all of them which is not allowed to have even a moderate success: all of them speak about “duties” and, in fact, always speak about duties with the feature of the unconditional; without that they would not have any right for their too grand pathos: they know this very well! Because of that they put hands into moral philosophies that preach some kind of categorical imperative or asume for themselves a nice peace of religion, as did, for example, Mazzini. Because they want to be trusted in without conditions, they need first to trust unconditionally in themselves on the base of some ultimate commandment, indisputable and superior to itself, of which they would like to perceive themselves and to introduce themselves as servants and instruments. Here we find the most natural enemies and often more influential of illustration and moral doubt: but they are a few. On the contrary, there is a very wide kind of these enemies in all that places where the interest teaches the submission, while fame and honour seems to forbid submission. Who feels dishonourable beneath the thought of being the prince´s instrument, for instance, from an ancient and proud family, but precisely wants to be that instrument or has to be it –before himself or before public opinion–, that one requires pathethic principles able to be produced in any moment: principles of unconditional duties before which one can submit without shame and be licit to show submissioned. All refine servility holds on tight to the categorical imperative, and it is the mortal enemy of that who wants to take off the unconditional feature out of the duty: so is demanded to them from the decorum, and not only from the decorum.»

Friedrich Nietzsche. The Gay Science. § 5.

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